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Tradovate Trade Copier

  • Updated


Tradovate has a limited trade copier built into it.  Follow these steps to enable and access it.


1. Log in to Tradovate. Select the Trading Mode Simulation after logging in.


2.  After logging in, click on the application settings icon in the top right corner of your charts screen.


3.  When the Settings page comes up, click on the "Add-Ons" tab. Then choose to activate "Group Trade":

After clicking Activate, you'll need to log out of Tradovate and log back in to enable the Trade copier feature.


4.  Once you're logged back in, go to the accounts drop-down and click on "Manage Groups":


5.  Click on the "+" sign to create a group, then give your group a name:


After you've created your group, click and drag the accounts you want in your trade copier group from the left-hand frame to the right-hand frame:

You adjust the number of contracts you'd like to trade by moving the Qty numbers up or down.  After you create your group, click the "Save" button, acknowledge the creation of the group, and then click on the "Close" button.


6.  Once you save the group, it will appear in the Account drop-down menu.



7.  Select the group you wish to use for trading to have your trades copied across multiple accounts.  You may create multiple groups and switch between them.

Tradovate Groups (Trade Copier) explicitly disallows the use of Bracket orders (ATMs).  NinjaTrader is required if you want to use bracket orders (ATMs).


Other things to note about the Tradovate groups:

mceclip0.png If you have a group selected, you can see which one is active here.  To de-select the group, click on the account drop-down and the group name.



Here, you can track the account balances of open positions in your group.

The Qty (number of contracts) must be a multiple of the number of contracts in the group:


Otherwise, you will get this error message:


If you specified more than one contract in the group setup, your Qty (number of contracts) must be a multiple of the combined total.  For example, three accounts x two contracts = six total contracts.  So, the number in the quantity field must be a multiple of six.

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