1. Why is my order getting rejected on Tradovate?
Check your size: order quantity, number of contracts. If you exceed the account size, the order will be rejected.
2. Is Tradovate mobile, tablet, or Chromebook compatible?
Yes. It is compatible with both. Apple devices and Chromebooks as well.
3. Is Tradovate Mac compatible? Yes.
4. Is Tradovate web compatible? Yes.
5. Can I use the Apex Trade Copier to trade Tradovate, Rithmic, and my own Live Broker Accounts at the same time?
Yes, as long as it connects to NinjaTrader and you have a paid NinjaTrader license key from NinjaTrader, not us.
6. Can I connect to and trade Rithmic and Tradovate concurrently?
Yes, you can connect to both and trade them simultaneously.
7. Do coupons work on Tradovate plans? Yes.
8. Why can’t I connect to my Live and Tradovate accounts? I own a key from NinjaTrader.
Because you must download the latest NinjaTrader through the portal as shown in the new instructions HERE.
9. Does the Apex Investing Institute Trade Copier work with Tradovate? What about Tradovate and Rithmic at the same time?
Yes and Yes, if you are using NinjaTrader. It is FAR more flexible and feature-rich than the Tradovate Platform "Trade copier" which is called Groups.
10. Can I use my lifetime key and trade my own account, Rithmic, and Tradovate at the same time?
Yes, you can use your own key, and trade your Tradovate and Rithmic account(s) simultaneously.
11. Can I use my lifetime key and trade my own account, Rithmic, and Tradovate, at the same time?
Yes, you can use your own key. Then it's possible to trade your own account along with your Tradovate and Rithmic accounts simultaneously.
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