Help Center

Common Questions About Tradovate

  • Updated

1.  What platforms can I use to trade with a Tradovate Account?

You can ONLY use Tradovate if you trade on NinjaTrader, Tradovate web or mobile, and TradingView.


2.  What do I need to know about the Tradovate account dashboard, and tracking my threshold/drawdown?

Please watch this video to answer this question:

How do I access my Tradovate account reports? Click Here


3.  Why can’t I connect to my live and Tradovate accounts? I own a key from NinjaTrader.

You must download the latest NinjaTrader through the portal as shown HERE in the new instructions.


4.  Is it possible to utilize the Apex Trade Copier for simultaneous trading on Tradovate, Rithmic, and my personal live broker accounts?

Yes, provided it connects to NinjaTrader. You must have a paid NinjaTrader license key from NinjaTrader, not Apex.


5.  Is Tradovate Mac compatible?


6.  Is Tradovate web compatible?


7.  Is Tradovate Mobile tablet or Chromebook compatible?

Yes. It is compatible with both— tablets and Chromebooks. It is also compatible with Apple devices.


8.  Can I use my lifetime key and trade my own account, Rithmic, and Tradovate, simultaneously?

Yes, you may use your own key. It is then possible to trade your own account, along with your Tradovate and Rithmic accounts.


9.  Can I convert a Paid/Performance account to Tradovate from Rithmic or the opposite?

No. You must get a new PA. Apex cannot move PA days, balance, etc., from one to the other.


10. Why is my order getting rejected on Tradovate?

Check your size: order quantity, and number of contracts. If you’ve exceeded the account size, your order will be rejected.

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