It is not recommended to use a Mac for trading.
However, Tradovate accounts are compatible with Mac OS, but Rithmic does not currently offer support for it.
At your own risk, you may use the following options:
Log in to Rithmic and sign agreements online when you are using a Mac. Click here for Rithmic Agreement.
Option #1
The fastest and easiest way to get Rithmic running on a Mac is to use a virtual machine. Some traders have used a product allowing them to trade from any device such as a Mac, Phone, or Tablet. Visit Ninja Mobile Trader and use Coupon Code APEX to get 10% off of their services.
Option #2
Mac comes with software called Parallels. YouTube has a VIDEO on how to get started by installing Windows 10 onto Parallels.
Option #3
Oracle offers open source software called VirtualBox. This enables Mac users to run Windows 10. Get started by watching this YouTube VIDEO.
Options #4
Login to Rithmic Trader web application.
It's important to note that Apex Trader Funding does not back these suggestions. Use at your own risk.
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